Friday, October 30, 2009


年尾到了....又是拼业绩的时候, 不知道自己有没有机会拿很多很多花红? 如果拿了花红, 怎么用呢? 买名牌包包?旅行?
暂时还没有想到. 可是这个时势, 留多点钱在身边好像比较安全吧.


Friday, July 10, 2009

怡保之旅-Day 1

盐火局鸡 , 加映角,老婆饼 , 豆腐花

客家面 , 干咖喱面 , 醸豆腐
上几个星期, 跟随男友回家乡-怡保. Auntie Uncle & 他的brother sister 带我去吃了很多好料...早上吃到晚上, 嘴巴没停过 ^_^
早上来个干咖喱面,甜品豆腐花&加映角. 下午茶盐火局鸡 , 晚餐客家面&醸豆腐...
肚子撑得装不下了....但是, 开心 + 幸福 + 有食神 + 享受!



有一个男生Brat, 和拍拖4年的女友Jennifer分手. 原因是两人性格不合, 加上Brat 恋上Angelina. 所以, 顺理成章Brat Angelina两人就在一起了. 几个月后, Brat 突然觉得自己不爱Angelina了, 自己原来还是很想念Jennifer. 基于种种原因(公事/家庭等), Brat 没有和Angelina分手, 只能与Jennifer保持联络. Angelina知道Brat常和Jennifer联络,并且一起共享晚餐. 由于Angelina 太爱Brat, 她也睁一只眼闭一只眼. 一心想说只要Brat会认路回家就好.
一年后, Angelina发觉Brat 对自己没有像从前般好,从前般温柔, 也不再说甜言蜜语了. Angelina 的心好像被刀那样狠狠的割了下去, 每天都在滴血....也慢慢的变得忧郁沉默.
纵使她知道Brat并没有向Jennifer说明过自己的存在(Jennifer不知道前男友Brat已有新欢). 她真的不介意,只要能呆在Brat的身边...可是, 在Angelina心里, 她知道Jennifer是一颗计时炸弹..随时会爆发.
Angelina该怎么办呢? 放弃Brat, 让自己活得更开心? 选择与Brat在一起, 终会守得云开见月明? 大家有什么意见?

**以上属真实故事,基于隐私方面等问题. 人物名称与故事已作修饰**


Addicted to Facebook!

最近疯狂迷上Facebook 的一些游戏. 其实这些游戏都是简简单单的小孩游戏,但是大家都乐在其中! 我的男友和他妹妹也在我的介绍下一起上瘾了 ^_^
连上班的时候也会情不自禁偷偷进去看看自己农场/餐厅的情况. 害怕它熟透了..就会 go to waste. 员工累了, 就会 need food or rest..哈哈.
只能说,平常生活太压力了. 反而这些简简单单的游戏会让我们疏解压力, 有更多的沟通. 拥有自己的农场,自己餐厅...应该都是每个人的梦想吧! 所以大家才会那么努力的想办法把它弄好. 当然,这个游戏并不会太难. 如果人生是那么简单的话, 该有多好.
我说人啊...就当每一天都是最后一天的活, 那样就不会那么拘束, 活的自由, 自然会更快乐! 大家要加油哦!


Sunday, May 3, 2009


今天下午, 弟妹在msn告诉我顽童老爸的手受伤了. 妹妹也拨了通电话一五一十的述说过程.

老爸在洗车店挖泥土时不慎跌倒,跌伤了手(妈妈说的我们有点不明白),总之就是缝了十多针. 老爸目前在家休养, 弟妹当帮佣斟茶递水.
可怜了妈妈, 又要回洗车店, 又要载送弟妹上下学,回了家又要照顾老爸,应该很累吧!
我一定要想办法让我弟妹(take bus sekolah). 这样以后爸妈也不用那么辛苦. 洗车店那里...我真的帮不上什么忙, 给爸妈的佣金proposal又被reject了..所以...
可是, 我知道我们的老爸的康复力超快的...相信他就算痊愈了只是50%; 他也会坚持上他最爱的"山芭" , 看看他的油棕, 水果, 鱼塘.......老爸, 你可以乖一点吗?
老爸手受伤了, 相信他的"鱼头米" 研究课程会先 暂时搁置...因为手无力,而且不能动太多...也要戒口...
要不要回斗湖一趟呢? 看看老爸,帮帮老妈...得plan plan~时间, 钱都是最大障碍...如果我有很多很多很多钱,那该有多好呢? 又或者我有一道任意门, 真是"世界在我手中" 啊.
现在老爸的手, 因该包扎很所纱布吧! 那个黝黑的手, 曾经牵我过马路,伴着我长大的手, 给我零用钱的手, 我顽皮时, 用皮带/藤条鞭过我的手...以后会多了很多疤痕吧! 可是爸, 你还是很man 的, no worry! 山芭的“OHM"/洗车店的马来仔 应该还是会很怕你的. ^_^
Lastly, 希望老爸赶快痊愈, 继续他的"鱼头米" 奋斗记.


Monday, April 27, 2009

Hong Kong Dim Sum - LiJin Chinese Cuisine 丽晶海鲜酒楼 ( Rate NEGATIVE ONE STAR)

Yesterday, me & my sister went pavilion for Mother's day shopping and also to celebrate her birthday. We was very excited for the Dim Sum buffet as it was so fully booked and we finally get our seats at the 3pm to 5pm session.
After shop for almost 2 hours, we get our mother's present, we walk fast to 6th floor for our dim sum buffet. Once we get in, we already have a bad feeling. The table cloth was dirty and they didn't change it since last buffet session. It was so disgusting.
Sooner, the waiter come to ask me for our drinks, he ask us want chinese tea or flower tea? Then I say "Kuk Po" 菊潽, he immediately says "Kuk Po" is mixed from Crysanthemum and Pu Er thus will charged for Flower Tea price....sigh....i have choose Pu Er....
The egg tarts was 1st been pulled over to our table for us to choose, and some "Fried Lobak" 炒萝卜糕, we have order 1 each and start eating...OH MY GOD...the egg tart NO egg smell, the fried lobak NO lobak smell...DAMN, i feel like wana leave the place immediately but have no choice...perhaps steam dim sum will alot better...
We wait wait wait...after 15 minutes only the steam dim sum was pulled over to our table...I look around...the dim sum options was like "YUCKY" Trust me, you duno how to choose (not becoz of too many choices, but is becoz all looks so TERUK!!!) I have choosen two and taste...sweat -.-'''
After duno how many minutes, the fried dim sum come again, and we order "Wu Kok" 芋角 and Popiah 春卷 this time...both was so dissapointing...taste only OILY and so "yesterday" 过夜...
Me and my sis starts to complain and the customer around was looks so dissapointing as well. After i guess ; 30 minutes only the steam dim sum comes again for us to choose. This time the dim sum was exactly the SAME as previous but they add SAUCE on it....i'm totaly speechless...have no choice, gona choose as we've paid!!!
I was so so so dissapointed with this LiJin Chinese Cuisine 丽晶海鲜酒楼 at Pavilion KL. Please la, even though is buffet at RM 20.88 per can treat your customer like this...have you even tried a dim sum restaurant that NO HAR GAO 虾饺 ,NO CHICKEN PAW 鸡脚,NO SPARE RIBS 排骨 and even the SIEW MAI 烧卖 (taste like shit!!!) also available like 20 minutes before 5pm...
LiJin Chinese Cuisine 丽晶海鲜酒楼 is sucks!!! 无良奸商 !!!
Dont ever try their food. Yucks~~~


Japanese Buffet - Umai Ya (Rate ****)

Last Saturday, I went for Japanese Buffet UMAI-YA at Damansara Uptown. The 1st moment I stand infront of the reataurant, I was freeze as I do not know how to enter into the shop. Thus i stood there and look around, finally found the special door to enter (the wood with many TALI) haha...
What a coincidence, the manager - Ms. Miki was my University senior. She recommend us few dishes for us to try...(did i mentioned that she's pretty and friendly?)

Frankly, I have to say that...this is the best & fresh Japanese Buffet i tried so far (Tenji YUCKY, Jogoya EOURK, Shogun/Saisaki ALAMAK) They will only serve after you order from the given menu list. Trust me, there's too much food for you to choose, and too little time (from 11:30 to 2:30) to eat~
By the way, since they cook only after you order, you may start ordering next round when the food on your table was half gone. As once youo stop, you will feel Full and cant eat much. (This is what I learn from past Buffet experince)

Unless you're SUMO size of ppl, orelse, a normal HUMAN BEING can only try about 50-60% from the menu list...I'm sorry to say that I cant remember what's the food haven been taken as my Japanese sucks! I just know Aishiteru, Gambate, Yamade thats all...haha...
I definitely will go for second time to try out "unfinished menu". The appetizer was great, main course delicious, sushi/sashimi damn nice, teppanyaki was OK only. Green tea ice cream nice, Wasabi ice-cream new taste but not my choice. There are free-flow beer available !!!
The price is RM48++ per pax, after tax around RM55 per pax which i think really worth and reasonable. For more info, you may log on for more info.
**Hints** Four person/Six person going will be the best as everything comes in two, and some come in six. Two person cant try much choices.
Well, I gonna start diet now...damn~


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Shopping Online 网上购物

You try shopping online before?
Well, i quite addicted to it coz the baju/clothes/dress/accesories found online sometimes do REALLY better or prettier than what you puchase at mng, zara, forever 21, top shop etc...
I've few website to recommend (i try before la) if you would like to try out~
Those can get stock in a week upon payment:

Those have to wait around 1 month plus:

There are more & more websites, blogs, forum been used to sell products...baju, dress, accessories, beauty cosmetics, even 18sx stuff as well...I wonder if they really earn much...

SO, I will launching a blog/facebook to sell baju/dress SOON...Friends, must support ya. Actually I'm assisting my bf's sister for this business...not really belongs to me, but u know i love challenge ^_^




Fish Head Meehoon is my favourites. The creamy sour + fish can eat two bowls (used to). Now only can makan 1 bowl, keep diet~

I've ate many 鱼头米 at different places according to the 鱼头米 ntv7 tv shows (i think two years ago). But still havent found the best in KL area, what a sad story.

The best i ever ate i think is at my hometown-Sabah, Tawau. The shop name 肥春鱼头米粉 at Taman Bintang. I guess all my hometowns mates will know about this shop la. miss it now...miao~ * perhaps i miss it coz i makan with family

The main problem 鱼头米 taste bad is because of the fried fish kung fu, salted vege (咸菜) and milk they used. I tried many tasteless, tam mao mao 鱼头米 ...really yucky...cant even finished 1 bowl...wasted~

That day i heard from my sister that my dad "investigating" and doing R&D on 鱼头米. BUT, its taste bad, haha...(my father loves to cook, but not all food suitable for us la~) My sister now has 鱼头米-fraid, when say my father fried fish head or cutting salted vege (咸菜) in the kitchen, she will sweating -.-''' and make sure there're maggi for backup.

NO matter what, even i dont have the chance to taste the "testing stage 鱼头米" by my father, i promise will finished it when i go back hometown next year ^_^.

I love my family.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Bali trip - deal or not deal?

I received a forward mail from fren...saying that there'll be another Tsunami around 22nd July 2009 (ada proof sumomre)...the place affected from Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand to country around S.E.A.

My BALI trip (his birthday, our honeymoon trip) is on 4th August to 8th August 2009...ticket sudah beli RM 196 for two pax (zero fuel charge by the apa-apa pun boleh fly AirAsia ^^)

aih...macam ini, go or not? I sudah plan well-well to celebrate with him geh~
NO then my Bali honeymoon trip will gone~ :>_<:
YES then later really gt life is priceless (sure more than 196) wor...
aiyo...whats happen to your mother earth?
Everyone, please :
  • reduce meat intakes - eat more vege and fruits every meal, can take 十榖米 to replace energy and strengh
  • recycle - clean your house, take all those old baju/clothes/shoes, newspaper/magazines to donate or sell (i gain RM 5 last week , happy~)
  • reduce pollution - car pool, save water & electricity, shut down the tv/pc when not in use...

Impossible? No, it is I'M possible !!!


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